Touched by the love of God – reaching the lost in the Asian community
A former special needs teacher, with a heart for reaching people with the Gospel in the Asian community, has joined Counties as a trainee evangelist.
Liz David, originally from Bangalore, South India, lives in Cardiff and helps, through her local church, adults and children with special needs, as well as women from ethnic backgrounds, asylum seekers and refugees.
She says: “I have generally had a positive response from people who I have supported and with whom I have shared the Gospel. Many of them have been through traumatic experiences and are touched by the love and care that is shown to them.
“I met an Afghani Sikh family last year with two teenage boys, both having special needs. They are asylum seekers. Over the last months, I have grown very close to this family and have had many opportunities to share the Gospel and to help in practical ways. I have given them various Christian resources and they have been eager to discuss and ask questions. We have had some good conversations and continue to pray that God will work in them.”
Reaching people in the Asian community is not without its challenges, with many seeing Christianity as a Western religion and finding it difficult to turn away from their own religion realising the shame that it would cause their families.
“Christianity is not a Western religion”
Liz explained: “There are challenges, but I see my role as helping people understand key Biblical doctrines, by explaining Bible stories - including the life of Jesus - that was deeply set in a Middle Eastern culture. I also help the seeker understand that the shame experienced is nothing in comparison to the honour that they will receive before the Father.”
Liz was born in a Christian family, with both her parents working as missionaries. She made a personal commitment to follow Christ when she was in high school and attended Bible college in England and the Philippines. With a heart for people with special needs, Liz trained as a special educator and worked in schools in India, Oman and Cardiff.
She said: “From a very early age, I was blessed to receive good Bible teaching, at home and at the Christian school that I attended. I heard about the need to receive Christ many times. I even remember asking God to forgive me on many occasions without a true conviction of sins.
“I began to read my Bible and spend time in prayer. I went through all the 'Christian motions' but it wasn't until I was in high school that I truly asked Christ to be Lord and Saviour of my life. God gives me meaning and purpose for each day as I seek to walk with Him. He is teaching me every day by His Spirit to walk in faith and obedience. I praise Him for His grace and mercy towards me. There are times when I fail but God is faithful and continues to work in my life.”
Liz has now enrolled on Counties Evangelist Training Programme and hopes the training will help her transition to full-time Christian ministry: “I think Counties will help me gain knowledge and practical training in different ways of evangelism, and help give me a better understanding of the Word and how to effectively communicate it. I also will be prayerfully supported.”
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