Counties’ Policies

Counties is a charity based at 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD. Our vision is “making jesus known: inspiring and equipping local churches” in every county of the UK.


Counties recognise the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children, young people and adults.  We acknowledge that children, young people and adults can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect.  As an organisation, we have adopted procedures in a safeguarding policy following statutory guidance. 

  • Counties appointed a Safeguarding Officer to co-ordinate all matters relating to safeguarding, including reporting, policies, recording, training, DBS. The Safeguarding Officer is currently the Chief Operations Officer, Jonathan Brooks-Martin, who can be contacted via

  • Trustees: a safeguarding update is a standing item on all trustees meeting, and the trustees have appointed a trustee to co-ordinate all safeguarding matters alongside the Safeguarding Officer. This is currently Christine Taylor.

  • CountiesSafeguarding Policy has been written with assistance from ThirtyOne:Eight, however, this has been carefully tailored to fit the organisation. This includes information on preventing abuse and harm, practice guidelines, responding to allegations of abuse, pastoral care, and suitable model forms.  If you would like a copy of Counties’ Safeguarding Policy please contact the Safeguarding Officer.

  • Counties has, for many years used the expertise of ThirtyOne:Eight (previously known as CCPAS), including assisting the update of our safeguarding policy and responding to any serious safeguarding concerns or incidents.

  • We are committed to build constructive links with statutory and voluntary agencies involved in safeguarding. 

  • If you are dissatisfied with this policy, have queries about our safeguarding procedures or wish to complain, please contact the charity in the first instance. At any time, a complainant can complain directly to this independent safeguarding organisation: Thirtyone:eight or any other appropriate regulating authority. The information about the types of complaints that they can become involved with is set out on their website.

Data Protection

To fulfill Counties' aims as a charity we process “personal data” and/or “Special category data” (as defined in legislation) as part of the services, in line with our charitable legitimate interests and/or our administration. Those who have previously shown an interest regarding Counties’ activities may receive some of the following information. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but indicates potential contact:

  • Printed magazine with a prayer diary. This occasionally includes other connected material.

  • eNews (currently via Mailchimp).

  • Information about local activities that may be of genuine interest to you (via email or letter).

  • Donors and Counties Link Group members may also receive additional printed material e.g. annual report and/or Christmas updates.

  • Letters of thanks for donations.

  • Print and Digital publicity to promote and engage you in our charitable activities (including Social Media such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram)

To fulfill this, Counties may have a record of

  • Information that you give us from forms that you have filled on our website or at event we run, corresponding with us by phone, email or letter or in person.

  • Personal data such as your name, date of birth, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, financial and credit card information, personal description and/or photographs.

  • Certain categories of sensitive information including religious belief, plus other sensitive data that you have told us about, such as your health and this will be used to ensure we provide the best care and support we can.

  • Log-in details and password, if you create an account with us.

  • Optional information, such as a photograph and demographic information, that you elect to associate with your accounts (e.g. ‘Your profile information’ in social media).

  • With your permission, calendar information stored on your mobile device.

  • Any email request or social media questions you send to us.

All these details are kept securely. Please be assured of our commitment to keeping your details secure, and not to use your personal information for any other reason without your permission. Data is held securely for as long as it remains pertinent to the purpose for which it was collected and/or if there is a statutory retention period. Once no longer required, all data are destroyed by secure means. Data may be shared with third party organisations as part of the provision of the services, in the legitimate interests of Counties, for administrative purposes and/or if we are required to do so by UK law.

We will always be completely open and transparent with you about how we use the personal details that you entrusted to us. We thank you for your continued prayers and support that helps us making Jesus known across the UK: inspiring and equipping local churches. If you do not wish to continue receiving information from us, or would like to change the way we communicate with you, please contact us via or 01373 823013, or unsubscribe via Mailchimp, Charitysuite, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram. If you have any questions about the holding of your personal information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

If you are dissatisfied with this policy, have queries about our data protection procedures or wish to complain, please contact the charity in the first instance. Thereafter you have the right to submit a complaint to the Supervisory Authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO):

The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF

Whistleblowing Policy

Counties is committed to being open, honest and accountable. It encourages a free and open culture in its dealings with all those involved, including trustees, employees and contractors working for Counties. Counties wrote a Whistleblowing Policy which aims to help the staff, contracted workers and trustees to raise any serious concerns they may have about people connected to Counties with confidence and without having to worry about being victimised, discriminated against or disadvantaged in any way as a result. This process is not for Volunteers, including Counties’ evangelists and Counties Link Group members linked to Counties.

If you are dissatisfied with this policy, have queries about our whistleblowing procedures or wish to lodge a complaint, please contact the charity in the first instance. At any time, any complainant can complain directly to the Charity Commission or any other appropriate regulating authority. The information about the types of complaints that the Commission can become involved with is set out on their website.