Staverton Park Hotel & Golf Club, Northamptonshire NN11 6JT
on the weekend of 24- 26 October 2025
An inspiring weekend to resource and equip your local church
We’re thrilled that the Connect Conference 2025 has John McGinley as our guest speaker.
John writes: “I am convinced that the renewing and reforming work that God is doing with his church today is actually a refounding on Jesus. In this conference we will journey through John's gospel, engaging with passages that help us to explore how God does this in our personal lives and with his church.”
Spread the word about this exciting conference so as many as possible will be able to benefit from this event to make Jesus known.
What you can expect
3 action packed days of talks and panels on a variety of evangelism topics. Plus plenty of time for talking with others too – because lets be honest, the conversations you have and ideas you get from the other people in the room are often the best bit of attending a conference!
What we'll cover
The full timetable will be released soon, however this year’s theme is ‘BUILDING ON JESUS’, looking at the gospel of John, and it promises to be an impactful weekend of growth, learning, and connection. There will be speakers specialising in the evangelism areas of: Evangelists, Planters, Chaplains, Schools, Youth & Gen Z, Children, Seniors, Prayer and more!
Who's the event for?
Whatever your role in the local church, this conference is designed to encourage local churches to become fired up and equipped to take the opportunities that the Holy Spirit is opening up for us all. And we can’t wait to welcome your family to Connect. Over the year we will release programme information to get your child excited for Connect 2025.
John McGinley
John McGinley works for the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication (CCX) as Executive Director of Myriad. He has been involved in training and mentoring leaders across the UK as part of his national role with New Wine. He is internationally involved in disciple-making and church-planting training in 20 nations. His latest book is 'The Church of Tomorrow - Being a Christ-centred People in a changing world' His previous books 'Mission-Shaped Grace' and "Mission-Shaped Living" reflect his passion for restoring making disciples to the centre of our understanding of church and disciple-making. He is married to Bridget, and they have two grown-up daughters.
Join us on October 24th- October 26th in Northamptonshire for the Connect Network event you simply cannot afford to miss.
PLUS take advantage of Earlybird pricing if you buy your ticket today!
Shared room
Save £60
2 nights
Food included
Save £30
2 nights
Food included
Young Person
includes accommodation in a shared room
Child Under 16 go FREE - must be booked on the event
Staverton Park Hotel & Golf Club, Northamptonshire NN11 6JT on the weekend of 24- 26 October 2025
Building on the success of 2020’s inaugural conference when 220 people joined from all over the UK for an unforgettable weekend we are excited to report on our 2021 Conference.
The conference was held via Zoom over Friday afternoon (3-5pm) and evening (7-9pm). We had a stellar line up of seminar speakers with one of our keynote speakers being the inspirational Shodankeh Johnson from Sierra Leone. If you have not heard him before you will not want to miss him! He had a much needed message for the British church, born out of persecution, hardships and has seen significant growth in the church across his homeland (see bio below). Our second keynote speaker is Nicky Gumbel, pioneer of Alpha. Nicky discussed the value of online and video Alpha, reflecting on the wider lessons for us as we move from a pandemic lockdown church, into a new season in sharing the Gospel across our nation.
Our 12 seminar speakers were drawn from across the UK and bring practical wisdom to a wide range of areas that many churches are grappling with in our current climate as we begin to move into the post-pandemic world. They included subjects such as: Keeping the gospel central in community engagement, demonstrating the relevance of the church in a post-Christian culture, the church in the online world, developing blended church, making Jesus known in our youth culture, and pathways to friendship evangelism.
The big group teaching and worship times was blended with small discussion breakout rooms, Q and A with the speakers, relaxed virtual coffee times to reconnect with friends and make new connections. All done at a pace and in a way creatively designed to enable everyone to become energised, inspired and equipped for the season ahead.
In February 2020 we ran the first ‘Connect Conference’ weekend, including:
accommodation at De Vere Staverton Estate Hotel (4-star venue) near Daventry, Northamptonshire
guest Speak Dietrich Schindler, one of Europe’s leading church planters;
seminars and workshops on evangelism, leadership, growing churches, church planting & replanting by highly experiences and gifted leaders;
a full range of children’s and youth activities;
worship lead by experienced guest worship leaders;
free time to enjoy fellowship in the hotel sauna and swimming pool, or golf on site;
plus much more ...
In June 2019 we launched Counties Family Fun Day, including:
weekend camping;
adventure playground, pedal go-karting, sports field;
boating lake, archery, dog display, tug-of-war, face painting, bouncy castle, live music;
children's activities all day;
burgers at lunchtime, ice creams and other refreshments for purchase;
early evening Hog-roast;
afternoon Workshops;
evening celebration with bible teaching & worship;
plus much more ...
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