Counties Connect
Training Courses
Welcome to your Counties Connect Training courses
Select the name of your course to donate and enrol.
If you need help donating and enrolling
or are stuck, contact your Training Administrator.
Our Courses
What is the Connect Evangelist Training Programme?
The Connect Evangelist Training programme is a six-module programme which better equips you to share your faith.
The course introduces six big themes of evangelism for today and tomorrow to spread the gospel in Twenty First Century UK.
The Gospel - What is God’s mission and the gospel of Jesus Christ?
The Evangelist
The Team
The Mission Field
The Church
The Main Thing
On-line Video content
Six on-demand video modules with practical action steps and a Participant’s workbook posted to you
Mentorship to facilitate course progress
Flexible learning
A part time flexible programme that can be completed alongside your existing schedule
Zoom Meetings
Online meetings to aid the learning journey
Opportunities for practical ministry
An in-person trip
What’s included in the Connect Evangelist Training Programme?
You can go through this course as an individual or as a small group. This new programme will take a blended approach to learning, with:
online video content available on-demand,
Zoom meetings,
opportunities for practical ministry
How do I sign up?
You can preview the course, then when the course is available, donate what you can to unlock the rest of the course .
Preview Session 1 of Course now
Have a look at the introduction for Session 1
Preview the course here
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Training Administator
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