Thank you for helping us share the Good News!
In the last year, your gifts, prayers and volunteering have helped us to support more than 30,000 hours of outreach, train hundreds of church leaders and reach more than 20,000 school children with the story of Jesus. Thank you.
Join us in our mission
The Bible teaches us that we worship God with our giving, which is regularly setting aside a sum of money in keeping with our income contributed to the local church or worshipping community to which we belong.
When we feel called to give over and above our regular giving, we do so as an offering.
Regular offerings are crucial for Counties as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects and reach as many people as possible with the love of Jesus.
Right now, you can give regularly by setting up a direct debit with your bank or card payment below
Thank you so much!
Make an Offering today
Save the QR code for use in your local church
I want to reach the world with the Good News by equipping Counties with resources — including evangelists, gospel initiatives, support services, and more — to urgently respond to every opportunity to share Jesus Christ with others.
Click the button below to enter your amount and select the Fund where you want your gift to go, and the Frequency of your gift. Select Card to make a one-off offering.
Make a Regular Offering
You can reach the UK with the Good News of Jesus Christ by equipping Counties with resources—including evangelists, gospel initiatives, support services, and more—to share His love with people across the UK. Become a part of this evangelistic movement by setting up a regular donation to where its most needed today. Regular giving to where its most needed means stability to our commitments and support for our growing community.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can add 25p to every £1 you give by ticking the Gift Aid box.
Leave a Legacy in your Will
Please feel free to send us an email or give us a call 01373 823013
Help share the good news to the next generation with a gift in your will.
Anyone can leave a legacy to Counties. Every gift, no matter how large or small, makes a real difference. That’s the wonderful thing about leaving a legacy, because a gift that transforms the life of one person will have far reaching effects for future generations.
Other ways to give
You can still use a cheque if you prefer this method of payment. Please make it payable to ‘Counties’.
You can download through this link to our gift aid declaration
You may manage your giving through a Stewardship account. Counties is registered with Stewardship to accept donations. You can give anonymously through this method.
You may have a CAF account that you prefer to make your donations through. Counties is registered with CAF to accept donations.
You may manage your giving through a Stewardship account. Counties is registered with Stewardship to accept donations.
Got a question? We're here to help.
If you’ve got a question that’s not answered here, get in touch with our supporters team by phone 01373 823013 or email
To set-up an online standing order or to make a one-off online payment, please use the following details:
Bank Transfer: Counties (formerly Counties Evangelistic Work)
Sort Code: 20-05-06 Account: 90130761
International payments IBAN: GB42BUKB20050690130761
Please enter your last name (family name) as a reference.

“The Lord has moved mountains in my life, I wouldn’t be here today without Him. I thought I had lost everything and could see no way forward, but my life has now changed so much!”
Dustin, Portsmouth
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