Save the date! Barnfest is 5-6 July
Our theme for the weekend will be Encounter Jesus with special guest speaker J John bringing two keynote messages. The Saturday evening will have a strong evangelistic focus and Sunday morning will have more of a celebratory focus. We are adding 4 marquees in the field alongside the barn for children and young people to have age relevant programmes running during the two main sessions so that they can encounter Jesus too.
Entry will be free to all but you will need to register for the event and book in advance for food which will have a modest cost. Hot and cold drinks will be provided throughout the weekend free of charge and camping this year will also be free. Donations towards costs will be welcomed. Full details and for bookings link
Volunteers needed: We will need an army of volunteers to set up marquees, stewarding, serving drinks, carparking, assisting on team in children’s tents, etc. If you know anyone who may be willing to help with this either in the days prior to the event or during please let us know.
We really do hope that you will be able to join us this year and look forward to welcoming you to our family farm on 5-6th July for what promises to be a special weekend to encounter Jesus.