Vision, Mission & Values
Counties makes Jesus known across every UK county through the work of our national network of evangelists, innovative schools’ resources, community chaplains, pioneering church planters and training opportunities.
What we do
For nearly 125 years, Counties has been sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with communities across the country.
We aim to share the life-changing truth of the Gospel with ordinary people in everyday settings and are always thrilled to hear testimonies from people who have been touched by the power of the Gospel and its ability to change and transform lives.
We equip local churches to make Jesus known through four main areas of our work
schools’ RE resources
church planting and revitalisation
training with a focus on community chaplaincy
Evangelists are all self-employed but receive monthly grants from Counties as funds allow. They work in counties across England and Wales in a variety of activities. These include: holiday clubs for children; training; drop-in centers for support and advice regarding parenting, relationships and finance; youth camps; market stalls; focus groups for men; door-to-door outreach; street evangelism; witnessing at agricultural shows; small groups; evangelism courses; school visits; visiting prison and helping ex-offenders; Christian education and preaching.
Some evangelists work with all ages and backgrounds, whilst others have a specific focus such as on international students, teenagers, children, men, women, migrants, international merchant seafarers or other communities.
Our amazing resources for schools (the Life exhibition (Primary) and GSUS Live (Secondary) reach thousands of school children every year, sharing what Christians believe through innovative multi-media experiences.
Counties Planting Network aims to raise up, train, partner and equip teams of church planters. The network provides support and encouragement, as well as training programmes such as M4, to help church planters, as well as churches who are on the verge of closure.
Counties also equips the church through its extensive range of training programmes with a focus on community outreach by Neighbourhood Chaplains. Day conferences, seminars, workshops, as well as one-to-one mentoring sessions are held throughout the year to help churches grow through evangelism and local mission.
This is Counties
Counties aims to make Jesus known across the UK through the work of its evangelists, schools resources, church planters and training programmes. Watch our short film to see the impact our work has had in helping to changes lives through the Gospel.
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You will join thousands of individuals, churches and organisations when you become a supporter of Counties.

Our Values
Underpinned by our commitment to the Bible as our supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct, the values of Counties, and the way in which it demonstrably goes about things, are:
We trust in God in and for all that we do, believing that He not only walks with us, but makes a way for us.
We are servant-hearted in our dealings with churches, other organisations, and each other, seeking to support and enhance others as fitting within Counties’ strategies and Counties’ calling.
We seek to be generous-spirited in our approach to people, churches, and other organisations, making resources available where we can and is appropriate to do so, in order to meet the goal of disciple-making.
Working Together
We seek to achieve our goals through collaboration, the development of teams, and by networking together. We experience sustained strength, creativity, and encouragement. This applies to the way in which we seek to organise ourselves as well as the way we work with others.
We seek to be, and to be known as, an authentic, life-filled organisation, relevant and appealing to all generations, particularly so to young adults.
We believe in…
One God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - eternally existing in three distinct but equal persons.
The sovereignty and grace of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, in creation, providence, revelation, redemption, sanctification and final judgement.
The divine inspiration of the Bible, and its consequent entire trustworthiness and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

The universal sinfulness and guilt of fallen humankind, which is therefore subject to the just condemnation of God.
The substitutionary death of the incarnate Son of God as the only ground of redemption from the guilt and power of sin and it’s eternal consequences, which is obtained by faith alone.
The illuminating, regenerating, indwelling and sanctifying work of God the Holy Spirit.
The priesthood of all believers, who form the universal church, which is the body of which Christ is the head, and which is committed by his command to proclaim the gospel throughout the whole world.
The baptism of believers, and the regular observance of the Lord’s Supper, in obedience to the Lord’s command.
Local churches, composed of professed believers, and led by those with appropriate spiritual gifts; the widespread distribution and exercise of spiritual gifts, regular meetings for worship, prayer, teaching, and fellowship; outreach to the locality; and involvement in world mission.
The expectation of the personal, visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory.
Become a Counties Supporter today
Counties is part of the movement to inspire and equip the Church in our lifetime. Significant giving, praying and your local connection with Counties enables us to access a much broader network of systems and support of local churches and national funding bodies as together we make Jesus known in our generation.
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