Neighbourhood Chaplains

Neighbourhood Chaplains aims to equip and encourage a church team to reach out to people in their local communities.

Do you want to find out more about setting up Neighbourhood Chaplains in your area?

Register for the next "Inform and Inspire" free webinar event. Counties host a 1hr Zoom for local churches who are interested in finding out new ways to reach their local community.

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Register for Inform and Inspire today!

Through training and scheme membership,
local churches are equipped to:

  • Make contact with new people in the community

  • Deepen community links opening opportunities for the Gospel

  • Offer practical support and help to those in need

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Local Churches Equipped

Neighbourhood Chaplains
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We hope you’ll join the growing number of local churches discovering Neighbourhood Chaplains. Together we have the potential to become one of the most significant tools enabling churches to make Jesus known in our nation!

  Fill in the form below to download your free gospel Loved Tract

Emma’s Story

What happened when one of our local church teams met ‘Emma’? Watch our 3 minute video to find out why and how local church volunteers serve in their communities.

Team Training Course



per team

  • includes One Year of Premium Support

  • Delegates will learn:
  • Biblical models for mission
  • Understanding the gospel
  • Listening skills
  • How people come to faith
  • How to share faith confidently and appropriately
  • How to pray and network more effectively
  • Safe practice.

  • Your Church receives:
  • ✔ Delegate's Workbooks for up to seven team members
  • ✔ Two copies of ‘Jesus’ by Michael Green, an ideal book to giveaway
  • ✔ Samples of tracts and postcards
  • ✔ A few copies of 'Hope' magazine to giveaway
  • ✔ Chatnow cards , introducing an online resource to your church
  • ✔ A copy for each team member of a how-to-share-your-faith book 'Intentional' by Paul Williams
  • ✔ Promotional pens for your church
  • ✔ A branded T-shirt for each of your team and lanyards
  • ✔ Samples of other promotional materials for your church
  • ✔ A pack of seasonal greeting cards and introductory postcards to giveaway

The course fee is £300 per Neighbourhood Chaplains Scheme. This covers the cost of a Team of up to 7 delegates to be trained AND includes one year of Premium support giving you access to all the benefits churches in relationship with Counties receive. Additional delegates can be booked for £20 per person. We're sure you’ll agree it is great value for your church!

Scheme Relationship



per month

  • Premium Support:
  • Access for the Team Leader
  • Extra training with our popular RUN session
  • Featured speakers on relevant topics at our online GROW event
  • Biblical models for mission
  • A Team Handbook to guide the recruitment and launch of the team
  • A private forum to solve the real day-to-day problems you're facing
  • Required policies and procedures before launch
  • An annual updating service for your Team Handbook

  • Unlimited team access to:
  • Branded Uniform purchases
  • Unique evangelistic toolkit for your church
  • Branded greeting card purchases
  • Identification Lanyards for up to 7 team members

Upcoming Training

Frequently asked questions

  • The Team course is a live Q and A group video meeting hosted by Counties with guest speakers. It has two sessions with a Delegates Workbook on which the course is based. Printed delegate's workbooks will be posted to the Team Leader along with a bonus resource. If you decide to start a Scheme Relationship, you will also be sent the Team Handbook. This comes with guidance and procedures to help you launch.

  • The course is live, which means you log in to the group video sessions. The sessions will not be recorded. If you miss one, you will still have access to your copies of the Delegates workbook.

  • The course primarily seeks to train a Team, so we encourage the Team Leader to invite all your team members. Lead chaplains, befrienders and helping hands team members will benefit from the gospel principles highlighted. Many of the examples focus on church issues. This is primarily because most speakers are sharing from their own experiences. However, even when we are speaking of churches, the principles apply to Neighbourhood Chaplains from any organisation or denomination.

  • Access for the Team Leader to:

    Counties Support Team to develop required policies and procedures before launch using our Team Handbook

    An annual updating service for your Team Handbook

    A private forum to solve the real day-to-day problems you're facing

    Unlimited team access to:

    Neighbourhood Chaplains branded Uniform purchases

    Fantastic range of Neighbourhood Chaplains branded greeting cards for purchase sent free of charge with options to purchase more. Each with a printed greeting and space to add your own details.

    Gospel Tracts, contact cards and books to give away

    On receipt of Scheme Relationship Form and confirmation of standing order payment, the Team will be given a password to our website for our Scheme Church toolkit. And the Team Leader will be invited to join the private forum and access the Counties Support Team.

  • Once we receive your Scheme Relationship application, we will send you a password. Keep that login and use it to access the Scheme Church Toolkit.

  • We would love it if you could, but use is for the church registered only. If you want to invite some other church in place of you, contact the Counties support team directly via email and we'll set it up that way. Please allow 48hrs for response Mon-Fri.

  • We'd love to help. Just send us an email

    Our helpful team will get back to you as soon as we can, usually within 3 working days Mon-Fri.

Go to Scheme Church Toolkit

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