A sneak preview of Winter’s Ignite.

It’s just landed in the office and will be on your doorstep soon. Winter’s Ignite is here and jam-packed with stories we hope will challenge and inspire you.

Our front-page story looks at how God is at work with men on opposite sides of life.
A police officer and ex-offender – hardened by life - are softened by God’s love.
Counties Evangelists Kim Hobbs and Steve Cowles work with a multitude of different people covering various roles. 
Kim writes: "'My King is dead!' These are the anguished words a man said to me recently during a telephone conversation.  He had earlier sent me a text saying: 
'Hi, Kim, sorry to bother u on a Saturday but something bad has happened. 😢'.  
This young man is an ex-offender - we will call him Ben - a referral from probation whom I had been supporting for over a year. He is often angry, impetuous, and verbally spiteful.  Yet under it all Ben is soft-hearted and loyal, seeking love and a sense of belonging.! 

Steve Cowles then shares a letter from a police officer who attended a free family day at Capernwray College: 
"'Hello, are you here for the police day?'
Whoever this young girl was melted my heart. In one sentence she showed me that people can be good and kind and loving, knowing that I am a police officer. From then on it just got better and better."


Inspiration for Christmas


270 of you joined us for Counties Connect Conference 2023 - Praise God for a fantastic time of teaching, worship, and fellowship.