Inspiration for Christmas

We reached out to our evangelists to ask them if they had any of their own ideas/materials/resources for Christmas services or events that they would be happy to share with others.

We received some great suggestions which are below. If you or your church can add to the list let us know at

Here are some of their examples:

“We are doing a Christmas meal with the Gospel message and gifts for all and we are going onto the streets doing Carols and preaching the Gospel.”

“Use the candy cane illustration over Christmas; buy a bunch of them, give them out, and tell the story.”

He is A Rock: The candy maker chose hard candy for the candy cane, which was done to remind children that Jesus was our “rock,” dependable and strong (Psalm 31:3). By His Stripes: Wide red stripes were added to the candy cane, representative of the crucifixion and the blood Jesus shed for our sins.

“'Countdown to Christmas daily with your children and watch an Advent Calendar come to life, all FREE ONLINE:

The Birth of Jesus Puppet Nativity

"Watch the Rocking Angels, Bad King Herod, Tough Shepherds, and Cool Wise Men as they share their story of Christmas. Over 20K views already - please share with families this Christmas.

“Santa's Sleigh is always successful for us. We give out literally 1000s of invites and Christmas messages and see about 20 people come to our Carols by Candlelight service as a direct result.

“We have put together 1,000 bags of blessings to give out as tokens of our love for people across the region. The bags contain a little something for children & Christmas decorations together with some prayers, invites to our carol services, and an accessible gospel tract.”

“Ask the local pub if they would be willing to have a time of carol singing one evening. Brief Christmas quotes (including Scripture), anecdotes, and humour can be shared relevant to each carol.”


“We are not separated by colour; we are joined by the Lord.” Spring’s Ignite is here.


A sneak preview of Winter’s Ignite.