The impact of GSUS Live over the last 10 years in a Swansea school reminds us of how Jesus continues to touch the lives of schoolchildren.

Glyn Davies on GSUS Live trailer

Glyn Davies and Phil Davies, who work with GSUS Live in South Wales, received a wonderful email from a local group of Christian school workers who are currently involved in a school in the Swansea area.

 The team has been celebrating 10 years of GSUS Live in that school. Glyn has kindly shared the letter with us, as it’s an amazing testimony of how many children GSUS Live has reached over the years in just one school! 


The team (including Paul Davies, Counties Evangelist) wants to thank you (Counties) so much for inviting several of us to partake in our 10th anniversary in the Spring if I remember correctly!   

GL was the catalyst that opened the door for great work at our school. Over the ten years, by the grace and kindness of the LORD, we've been able to consistently (apart from Covid) lead a CU every week. We've led assemblies at Easter, Christmas, and the start of the new school year. We've had the opportunity to give lessons during the so-called "faith week," where, this year, only our team went in. Praise the LORD!

Year 7 children (all but one) accepted a New Testament, and we've also shared the Gospel through 2024' and 'CSI' over the years. 800 children this month heard the Gospel during this year's Christmas assemblies. Watoto, a children's choir from Kenya, has visited the school twice over the years. 

We had a prayer and planning meeting yesterday and spoke out about how many young people, including those who are now adults, have heard the Gospel during this time. We understand it would be in the many thousands - so far, PTL! We are unaware of fruit just yet, but we seek to remain faithful to the LORD and continue to pray, teach, train, and, as Andy Pitt says: “Be FAT Christians: Faithful. Available and Teachable!” 

It has been a joy to be a part of this team together. We are united and prayerful in the glorious pursuit of sharing the glorious Gospel with children and young people in and around our community here in the Swansea Valley. To the glory of God!  

I hope this will be of encouragement to you. Our LORD is amazing! 

The team is chatting with Dave Thomas, GSUS Live Coordinator, about booking GL for 2026 in a few schools with the “door” open for GL! Please pray that finance will become available for them to host GL in 2026!!  


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