Counties evangelist, Kim Hobbs, shares how God is with us in the ‘small victories’.

It’s the occasional small victories that keep us going.

Kim and Jo reach out to prisoners and ex-offenders to help them resettle after prison. They also support those struggling with mental health issues, addiction, or isolation.

In 2016 they established Cornergate Foundation to develop a sustainable service and ministry offering friendship and practical care and to share the Gospel.


A few weeks ago, I accompanied a young man with his girlfriend to a court hearing where it was expected that the judge would rule in favour of the man’s landlord. Bailiffs would then evict my friend two days later. He would be homeless. He would essentially be forced to live alongside addicts - since that would be the inevitable outcome. He would slip back to chronic addiction and crime; old habits he was working hard to break.

On the way, I was feeling nervous and somewhat of a fraud. Why did I think I could help this man avoid homelessness? Who would believe my testimony? Why was I sticking my nose in the business of the courts, with their wise officers and counsellors, doing their best to bring ‘bad’ people to book?

As I drove, stomach churning, I heard the gentle encouragement of God as He reminded me that Jesus lived among the people that society often rejects. He lived with the poor and the sick and He of course was also unjustly convicted.

I was comforted to hear the Holy Spirit whispering His encouragement and I briefly wept to think about the privilege of serving - even in our small way. Later - after hours of waiting - the lovely judge proved to be a fair and thoughtful man. He listened to our solicitor and the other side, read my letter supporting my friend, and ruled to delay judgment (an adjournment) giving us time to prepare a defence.

I was so chuffed! I wanted to shout my thanks to God right there in the courtroom! Jesus - our hope, salvation and victory! We still have much to do to win the case but I am reminded that we are asked simply to bring what we have and let Him multiply it. He will extend His care to those who need it.


Counties evangelist, Paul Willmott, shares how a profound question from a child led to a heart-felt encounter about Jesus.


Celebration in the Barn 🎉 weekend in Gloucestershire 29-30 June 2024 🗓 Speaker Chris Sinkinson