Senior Counties Evangelist, Lionel Clargo, shares how God keeps using him, even though he had a stroke five years ago, this Christmas.
Lionel and Katy Clargo
Lionel was a lecturer and then went to Bible College. He and his wife Mavis joined Counties in 1971.
The couple led tent missions in the summer, holiday clubs, and youth camps but mainly took school assemblies. Lionel also undertook Bible teaching funerals and, with Mavis, wedding prep and services. Mavis was called home on Boxing Day 2016.
In May 2023 Lionel remarried Katy Hughes who he had known for over 40 years and they now continue to serve the Lord as best as they can in Caterham, Surrey.
As I was preparing my Christmas message, I remembered five years ago, in 2019, a few days before Christmas. I had a stroke. I had had a chest infection which had not cleared, so I went for help. As I sat in the doctor’s waiting room I came over hot then giddy. When my turn came, I struggled to see the doctor who listened to my chest but, sadly, not my voice, and what I had to say. (He has left the practice.)
“Do you mind if I hold your desk, I feel giddy ?” I asked. He didn’t hear or want to hear. So, I was given my prescription and got my pills on the way home. Walking was difficult, especially crossing the side road where I lived: I had to turn my body, not my poor head, to see if the road was clear. It is such a blessing that the walk only takes five minutes. I don’t know how long it took that day, but I crashed indoors. I was sick and lay on my bed with my head like a merry-go-round.
Later that day, I phoned my daughter and said I was “okay” but felt tired. A few days later, my sister took me back to the doctor’s surgery (not the same one) who immediately sent me to A & E. I was there for eight days over Christmas ( I got an NHS cracker).
The blessing was I was in ‘God’s hands’ and He still had work for me to do. When I came out of the hospital, my body was okay (don’t look at the scares in life), however, I could not get my words straight away but I managed. This slowly improved.
Five weeks later I was given the ‘all-clear’ to drive and I took a funeral two weeks later, then two more just before ‘lockdown’. For one funeral I produced a service sheet in Spanish / English ( good old Uncle Google) as the Catholic lady came from Mexico and many of her family also came from there.
Isn’t the Lord good? I am alive still and 88. Also, this Thursday morning, I am having a bit cut off my nose for medical reasons. Then I am preaching at 2.45 pm! His Power, not mine.