Two churches: One Vision - what’s our mission?

In Summer’s Ignite we focus on the story of two churches and their vision for a new season of evangelism - based in their own communities. Ignite’s Editor, Rachel Rounds, asks whether local outreach could also be the number one priority in our own churches.  

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20 

If a preacher were to stand up in church this Sunday and state that Jesus’ words were not meant for us today, but were just intended for His followers immediately after His Ascension - can you imagine the reaction? 

We'd probably bring back stoning! 

‘Spreading the Good News’, ‘Evangelising’, or ‘Giving our Testimony’ - whatever we choose to call it - is part of our DNA as Christians. It’s what we are called to do. But how committed are we to it?  

We may share our own faith with others, but what about as a whole church? Do we have an intentional goal to be ‘salt and light’ in our local community? 

Over my many years as a Christian, I have often driven to church on a Sunday, parked my car outside the houses surrounding my church (and often, unintentionally, in front of their driveways) then spent two hours inside and driven back home again.  

I’ve never interacted with the people who live around my church - and neither have many of the other people in my congregation.  

It’s not an intentional snub but I just haven’t thought about it and I’m too busy getting on with my own life. I guess that can be said of many of us.  

We are happy to leave the 'Evangelism' part to those who are ‘called' to the job like youth workers, street pastors, vicars, and missionaries. But heaven forbid that, as a church, we actually knocked on the doors of our neighbours, offered to wash their cars, hosted a BBQ, or joined in with local events and met people where they ‘live’ - even if it’s the local pub, gym or running club.  



After a childhood plagued by violence, homelessness, drugs, and suicide attempts, Counties Evangelist, Lee Marsland, found Jesus. Today, he’s reaching to those who have nothing.


Body Builders' Houseparty 2023 - updated