Life exhibition celebrates visit from its 150,000th primary school student.

The team at Enniskillen awaiting the 150,00th pupil and pupils receiving Bibles.

Life exhibition reached a milestone at Oak Tree Academy in Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, and Enniskillen Model School, Northern Ireland. Both Life exhibition units were in action during September, across the country, enabling Life exhibition to award students Bibles for being the 150,000th to participate. Kevin Baldwin, Life coordinator said:

“As we had both units on the road hundreds of miles apart, it was impossible to be certain who our 150,00th participant was, so we gave Bibles to both groups of children. “Life exhibition began in 2006. By 2007, 14,414 had connected with us. So to get to 150,000 is an amazing achievement. Praise God.”

The exhibition, in Enniskillen, was run with Sam Balmer from Sow2reap and Scripture Union NI workers. Both venues had helpers from the local church, presenting to the children.

Comments during the week were: “The songs were mint.” “Best RE lesson ever.”  “When can you come back?” and “What else do you do?”

Hit the button below if you want to know more about Life exhibition.

Letter of thanks from Sam Balmer from sow2reap after Life exhibition visited Model school, Enniskillen.



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