Counties Evangelist Janet Hawking shares how God showed who her ‘neighbours’ were and how she could witness to them.

Janet Hawking

Janet is a Counties associate evangelist and lives in North Pembrokeshire. She travels and teaches ‘Walk Through The Bible’.

She became a Christian at age 14 when she knelt in a Methodist Chapel in Devon after a rare altar call to surrender her life to Christ.

She says about teaching the Bible:

“It’s fun, but powerful, giving them the option of a Bible enhances the lessons. We can do this because of supporting churches and individuals. Also, Picture and Good News Bibles come from the charity Bibles For Children, of which I am the Welsh associate - over 5000 were presented to our West Wales Schools last year.”



Hi, I am Janet, known as ‘Little Janet’ growing up on a very isolated farm with the worker’s daughter known as Big Janet! I became a Christian at 14 years old which gave me joy and confidence that I was never on my own, as Jesus promised us His presence. I married a farmer then moved to West Wales to have our little farm, again isolated and busy, with the farm and family, seven days a week.

One Summer we had a week off to go to a Bible Week up North and they encouraged us to reach out and pray for our neighbours. I remember thinking: But who is my neighbour? I have always been isolated. I wish I lived in a town surrounded by people. Easy for those who live in a village, town, or city.

On arriving home to work, and the animals I repented and said: “Lord I am sorry for my attitude. Okay, who is my neighbour?”

So, we prayed daily for the young man further down the lane, a quarter mile away, and reached out to him.

What a Joy that within six months we led him in a Salvation Prayer in our front room. Two other men also came to know Jesus within a few miles of this country Welsh area. We sought to disciple them, and then the next year three more responded. It was amazing to me that it was men, as well as women who have gone on to be pillars in the church.

So along the way, I have learned many lessons especially not to wish for other things.

Blossom where God plants you, be a witness, let your light shine, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

After being widowed, God called me into school work – see ‘Walkthrough The Bible’ and ‘Bibles for children’.


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